
BROTHERHOOD – A Diablo 2: Resurrected mod by Brother Laz

This blog tracks the development progress of BROTHERHOOD and counts down towards its release. It will be expanded with additional pages as more features get implemented.

What is this?

BROTHERHOOD is an overhaul mod for single player Diablo 2: Resurrected, replacing most class skills, items, monster behaviours and adding new content.

A release is planned in the second quarter of 2022.

Yes! Single player mods are actively encouraged by Blizzard, as long as they stay within the boundaries of the data files and assets. Reverse engineering, cracks and private multiplayer servers are illegal and I do not support them.

Status update on testing and real life

Brotherhood testing is coming along: A2 is currently being tested across all builds by the awesome community, which has already led to a number of changes. Due to some very bad health news in the close family, updates may be irregular in the near future. I will make no promises regarding release date – it…

Brotherhood is looking for testers!

The mod is mostly feature complete, lacking only unique/set/runeword stats and portal maps. However, balance testing every build is a huge undertaking and would take me months, which I do not have at this point in my life. To reduce the workload, I’m dividing up the workload by outsourcing some testing to the community! The…

Due to real life issues, I’m pausing the project for a few weeks

Current status: Items: Fully implemented, other than runeword/unique/set item stats and vendor inventories. Monsters: Implemented other than superuniques, needs playtesting. Characters: Fully implemented, need playtesting, sorc needs rework (this might still make it in because it’s mostly finished locally), assassin needs update due to 2.4 breaking local cooldowns. Balance: First pass implemented, needs more work.…

Act Bosses

All Act bosses are overhauled in Brotherhood, with an eye on making them feel more “Dark Souls” – ie. instead of tanking their damage and making their red go down faster than yours, you are expected to largely avoid damage until the boss dies. Going along with this is a scale increase: Act bosses now…

Miscellaneous Items page is now online!

As the work on the item system is winding down, the first documentation page is now online: Miscellaneous Items, containing a lot of new cube ingredients and several special charms. Find it here!

Release date pushed back because this is too much fun 😀

I’m currently targetting a Q2 release date instead of Q1, and the reason is that there are a lot of things you can do with D2R I didn’t expect to be possible. For instance, map editing is back on the menu, and models can to some limited degree be modded. Of course, I’m going to…

Item system progress update

The item system is currently being worked on. One fun change is that there are no more class specific items! Anyone can equip any item, with visuals to match. Their requirements and stats may be oriented towards one (or more) classes, but anyone can equip them, and there’s nothing wrong with, say, a wolf helm…

y u no update is mod ded

No! 😀 Due to the massive number of base items, they require uninterrupted development time and are hard to implement in bits and pieces. I should have a few days off to do so in a week or two, at which point progress can resume. In the meantime, I made some nifty excel sheets that…

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